How it Works

Create a new record quick and easy without the need of any new windows popping up. For example useful for creating a quick history note.

Option List

Fetches all options from an option list on the new record, for example fetch all history types. It is possible to configure an array with options to include or exclude. A option with an empty text is always excluded.

Auto Attach Logged in Coworker

The logged in coworker is always attached to the new record.

Optional Auto Attach

Optional by configuration to auto attach the new record to one or more relations copied from the active inspector.

Optional Selectable Attach

Optional by configuration to have a selectable attach by a one to many relation from active inspector to the new record. Quick and easy to choose from a list. By default, the relation on the active inspector is set (if exsists). The list fetches from a parent relation on the active inspector. For example company is parent relation and person is selectable relation. Then if company is set on active inspector, the top 50 persons on company will be in the selectable list.

Auto Timestamp Note

Optional by configuration to set an auto timestamp in the note. Current timestamp in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm is set as default note, but stil editable before creating the new record. For example used when creating a history note and history type "Could not reach" is chosen.

Custom Input

Optional by configuration to have one or many custom inputs. Choose if visible, default value, title and field type. Validation for custom input if int.

Keyboard shortcuts

Configure key shortcuts for new line, save and cancel when focus is in textarea. Lime CRM desktop client limits which keys can be used for shortcuts. Simplified only characters like <>;:-_*''^¨`´ can be used. Se full list in the in the Configuration section.