
All the configuration should be done with parameters that can be set in the LBS app config.


<!-- Helpdesk example-->
<div data-app="{
        'newLineKeyCode': 95,
        'saveKeyCode' : '42'
<!-- Company example-->
<div data-app="{
        'callerTable' : 'company',
        'newRecord': {
            'table': 'history',
            'buttonCssClass': 'btn-default',
            'callerField': 'company',
            'noteField': 'note',
            'coworkerField': 'coworker',
            'optionField': 'type',
            'autoTimestampNoteOptionKey': 'noanswer',
            'includeOptionKeyList': [],
            'excludeOptionKeyList': [],
            'customInputList': []
        'autoRelationList': [],
        'newLineKeyCode': 95,
        'saveKeyCode' : '42'
<!-- Person example-->
<div data-app="{
        'callerTable' : 'person',
        'newRecord': {
            'table': 'history',
            'buttonCssClass': 'btn-default',
            'callerField': 'person',
            'noteField': 'note',
            'coworkerField': 'coworker',
            'optionField': 'type',
            'autoTimestampNoteOptionKey': 'noanswer',
            'includeOptionKeyList': [],
            'excludeOptionKeyList': [],
            'customInputList': []
        'selectableRelation': {},
        'newLineKeyCode': 95,
        'saveKeyCode' : '42'
<!-- Deal example-->
<div data-app="{
        'callerTable' : 'deal',
        'newRecord': {
            'table': 'history',
            'buttonCssClass': 'btn-default',
            'callerField': 'deal',
            'noteField': 'note',
            'coworkerField': 'coworker',
            'optionField': 'type',
            'autoTimestampNoteOptionKey': 'noanswer',
            'includeOptionKeyList': [],
            'excludeOptionKeyList': [],
            'customInputList': []
        'newLineKeyCode': 95,
        'saveKeyCode' : '42'
<!-- Deal example with defaultOptionKey-->
<div data-app="{
        'callerTable' : 'deal',
        'newRecord': {
            'table': 'history',
            'buttonCssClass': 'btn-default',
            'callerField': 'deal',
            'noteField': 'note',
            'coworkerField': 'coworker',
            'optionField': 'type',
            'defaultOptionKey': 'comment',
            'autoTimestampNoteOptionKey': 'noanswer',
            'includeOptionKeyList': [],
            'excludeOptionKeyList': [],
            'customInputList': []
        'newLineKeyCode': 95,
        'saveKeyCode' : '42'
<!-- SOS example-->
<!-- customInputList example -->
<!-- No autoRelationList example -->
<div data-app="{
        'callerTable' : 'sos',
        'newRecord': {
            'table': 'history',
            'buttonCssClass': 'btn-default',
            'callerField': 'sos',
            'noteField': 'note',
            'coworkerField': 'coworker',
            'optionField': 'type',
            'autoTimestampNoteOptionKey': 'noanswer',
            'includeOptionKeyList': [],
            'excludeOptionKeyList': [],
            'customInputList': [
                        'field': 'timeused',
                        'type': 'int', 'defaultValue': 5,
                        'visible': true,
                        'localizeTextCode': 'timeused'
                        'field': 'read',
                        'type': 'boolean',
                        'defaultValue': true,
                        'visible': false,
                        'localizeTextCode': ''
        'autoRelationList': [],
        'newLineKeyCode': 95,
        'saveKeyCode' : '42'
<!-- Campaign example-->
<!-- selectableRelationQuery example -->
<div data-app="{
        'callerTable' : 'campaign',
        'newRecord': {
            'table': 'history',
            'buttonCssClass': 'btn-primary',
            'callerField': 'campaign',
            'noteField': 'note',
            'coworkerField': 'coworker',
            'optionField': 'type',
            'autoTimestampNoteOptionKey': 'noanswer',
            'includeOptionKeyList': [],
            'excludeOptionKeyList': [],
            'customInputList': []
        'selectableRelation': {
            'callerField': 'person',
            'newRecordField': 'participant',
            'parentTable': 'campaign'
        'selectableRelationQuery': {
            'limetype': 'participant',
            'limit': 50,
            'responseFormat': {
                'object': {
                    'person': {
                        '_id': '',
                        '_descriptive': ''
            'filter': {
                'key': lbs.activeClass,
                'op': '=',
                'exp': lbs.activeInspector.Record.ID
        'autoRelationList': [],
        'newLineKeyCode': 95,
        'saveKeyCode' : '42'

Available Parameters

Caller is the inspector from where Quick Note is initialized.

Property Default Value Comment
callerTable 'helpdesk' Database table name for caller.
newRecord N/A Object that holds settings for the record to be created.
newRecord.table 'history' Database table name for new record
newRecord.buttonCssClass 'btn-default' Css class for new record button. Choose from: 'btn-default', 'btn-primary', 'btn-succes' and 'btn-warning'.
newRecord.callerField 'helpdesk' Database field name for caller on the new record. Usally the same as callerTable.
newRecord.noteField 'note' Database field name for textarea on the new record, e.g., history note.
newRecord.coworkerField 'coworker' Database field name for coworker on the new record.
newRecord.optionField 'type' Database field name for a option list on the new record, e.g., history type.
newRecord.defaultOptionKey '' Key of default option value.
newRecord.autoTimestampNoteOptionKey 'noanswer' Option list key for use of Auto timestamp feature.
newRecord.includeOptionKeyList [] Option list key for options to only include in option list, e.g., ['comment', 'noanswer'] will exlude all other options.
newRecord.excludeOptionKeyList [] Option list key for options to exclude in option list, e.g., ['internalcomment', 'checklistcomment'].
newRecord.customInputList [] List of custom inputs, e.g., [{'field': 'timeused', 'type': 'int', 'defaultValue': 5, 'visible': true, 'localizeTextCode': 'timeused'}]
selectableRelation N/A Object that holds settings for relation to set based on drop down menu. Set to empty object if no selectable relation should be used ('selectableRelation': {}).
selectableRelation.callerField 'person' Database field name for selectable relation on caller.
selectableRelation.newRecordField 'person' Database field name for selectable relation on new record.
selectableRelation.parentTable 'company' Database table name for parent on selectable relation.
selectableRelation.filter '&inactive=false&_sort=name' Lime CRM REST API filter for selectable relation.
selectableRelationQuery '' Lime CRM Query API query. See selectableRelationQuery example above.
autoRelationList N/A Array of objects for relations to auto attach. Set to empty list if no auto relations should be used ('autoRelationList': []). Example how to set several objects to auto relate can be found here.
autoRelationList.object.callerField 'company' Database field name for relation to auto attach from caller.
autoRelationList.object.newRecordField 'company' Database field name for relation to auto attach on new record.
newLineKeyCode null null == noaction or choose keyCode from Keyboard Shortcuts below.
saveKeyCode null null == noaction or choose keyCode from Keyboard Shortcuts below.
cancelKeyCode null null == noaction or choose keyCode from Keyboard Shortcuts below.
addNewRecordLocalize 'add_history' Localize code for add new record.
addSelectableRelationLocalize 'add_person' Localize code for add selectable relation.
removeSelectableRelationLocalize 'remove_person' Localize code remove selectable relation.
saveLocalize 'save' Localize code for save button.
cancelLocalize 'cancel' Localize code for cancel button.
newRecordCreatedLocalize 'history_created' Localize code for new record created message.
emptyNotePromptLocalize 'empty_note_prompt' Localize code for empty note prompt.
notIntegerPromptLocalize 'not_integer_prompt' Localize code for validation error for integer custom input.
saveAndCloseCaller false true or false, close active inspector after new record is created.
callerDefaultValues '' Set values on active inspector when new record is created. Used together with extra save button. Same format as doing a put with Lime CRM REST API. E.g set todo as done: '{'done': true,'todostatus':'done'}'
extraSaveButton false true or false. Extra save button to use with callerDefaultValues. E.g for todo 'Add history and set done'.
extraSaveButtonLocalize '' Localize code for extra save button. E.g for todo: 'save_and_close'.
refreshExplorer '' Database table name for explorer to refresh on save of new record. E.g 'history'.

Keyboard shortcuts

Button keyCode
! 33
" 34
# 35
$ 36
% 37
& 38
' 39
( 40
) 41
* 42
+ 43
- 45
/ 47
: 58
; 59
< 60
= 61
> 62
? 63
@ 64
[ 91
\ 92
] 93
^ 94
_ 95
` 96
{ 123
| 124
} 125
~ 126
£ 163
¤ 164
§ 167
¨ 168
´ 180
½ 189